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Lecture Notes
Lecture Notes
(It is updated after every class)
Guest Talk
Edward Witten [Algebras in Field Theory and Gravity: An Overview]
Enrico PajerĀ [Cosmological Correlators]
Andrea Puhm [Black Hole -- String Correspondence]Ā
Bianca Dittrich [Quantum Gravity and Quantum Spacetime (in 3D)]Ā
Myriam MondragĆ³n [Symmetries, extensions of the Standard Model and Astroparticles]
Kasia Rejzner [Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory]
David Wallace [The Quantum Measurement Problem]
Raman SundrumĀ [Mysteries and Mechanisms Beyond the Standard Model]
Matthew Reece [Theta Terms and the Strong CP Problem]
Carlos Arguelles Delgado [Neutrino Astronomy: detectors, techniques, and status of the field]
Zohar Komargodski []
E. Chalbaud and D. Galviz. Physics Latam: Lectures on Theoretical Particle Physics.
M. Peskin and D. Schroeder. Ā An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.Ā
Matthew D. Schwartz. Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model.
Mark Thomson. Modern Particle Physics.
L. Alvarez-Gaume, M. Vazquez. Lectures on Field Theory and the Standard Model.
David Tong. Lectures on Particle Physics.
I.J.R. Aitchison and A.J.G. Hey. Gauge Theories in Particle Physics.
Francis Halzen , Alan D. Martin. Quarks and Leptons.
successfully passed students
Rosario Aldava šµšŖ
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, PE)
Victor Arce Flores š²š½
(BenemĆ©rita Universidad AutĆ³noma de Puebla, MX)
Jorge Armoa šµšŖ
(Pontificia Universidad CatĆ³lica del PerĆŗ, PE)
Gabriel Barrios š¬š¹
(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, SA)
Armando de la Cruz š²š½
(Universidad de Guanajuato, MX)
Sergio Cordero šµšŖĀ
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, PE)
Juan Cruz šµšŖ
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, CO)
Cristian Fajardo šØš“
(Universidad PedagĆ³gica y TecnolĆ³gica de Colombia, CO)
JosĆ© LĆ³pez š²š½
(Universidad de Guanajuato, MX)
Kelman MarĆn šµšŖ
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PE)
Diego MartĆnez Ā šØš“Ā
(Pontificia Universidad CatĆ³lica de Chile, CL)
Ivan PĆ©rez Castro š²š½
(Cinvestav-IPN, MX)
Jonatan Rodas šØš“
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, CO)
Oscar RodrĆguez šµšŖĀ
(Pontificia Universidad CatĆ³lica del PerĆŗ, PE)
Patricia Rosalesš»šŖ
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, VE)
Ricky Ticse Reyes šµšŖ
(Pontificia Universidad CatĆ³lica del PerĆŗ, PE)
Guest Speakers
Carlos ArgĆ¼elles-Delgado
Harvard University
Bianca Dittrich
Perimeter Institute
Zohar KomargodskiĀ
SCGP & Stony Brook University
Myriam MondragĆ³n
Andrea Puhm
University of Amsterdam
Matthew Reece
Harvard University
Kasia Rejzner
University of YorkĀ
Enrico Pajer Ā
DAMTP, University of Cambridge
Raman Sundrum
University of Maryland
David Wallace
University of Pittsburgh
introductory Master class
Ashoke Sen
Edward Witten
Institute of Advanced Study