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Week 1: Black Holes in General Relativity.Â
Week 2: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime.Â
Week 3: Hawking Radiation and Entropy Law.
Interlude: Holographic Entanglement and Emergence of gravitational spacetime, and black holes. (Prof. Tadashi Takayanagi)Â
Week 4: Black Holes in Quantum Gravity.
Week 5: Introduction to Swampland Program (Prof. Miguel Montero)Â
Week 6: Swampland and Black Holes. (Prof. Miguel Montero)
The mini course is evaluated with assignments.
Applications are now closed
V. Mukhanov, S.Winitzki. Introduction to Quantum Effects in Gravity.
C. Kiefer. Quantum Gravity.
D. GIulini, C. Kiefer, C. Lämmerzahl. Quantum Gravity, From Theory to Experimental Search.
M. Beest, J. Calderón-Infante, D. Mirfendereski, I. Valenzuela. Lectures on the Swampland Program in String Compactifications.
Eran Palti. The Swampland: Introduction and Review.
successfully passed students
Youssef Ahmed 🇪🇬
(University of Science and Technology in Zewail City, EG)
Jorge Armoa 🇵🇪
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PE)
Bernardo Cabral 🇧🇷(Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)
Satyaki Chowdhury🇮🇳
(Jagiellonian University, PL)
Lincoln Da Silva 🇧🇷
(Universidade de São Paulo, BR)
Sonal Dhingra🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)
Sara del Pozo 🇪🇸
(University of Barcelona, SP)
Federica Guarducci 🇮🇹(University of Pisa, IT)
Rohina Hassan 🇮🇷
(Sharif University of Technology, IR)
Nicolás Hernández 🇨🇴
(Universidad Industrial de Santander, CO)
Allan Hurtado 🇬🇹
(University of San Carlos of Guatemala, GT)
Stefan Katić 🇷🇸
(University of Belgrade, SB)
Axel León Arteaga 🇵🇪
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PE)
Chengcheng Liu 🇬🇧
(Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Haoyuan Li 🇨🇳
(Chinese Academy of Science, CN)
Rohy Ny Aika 🇲🇬(University of Antananarivo, MG)
Camilo Núñez 🇨🇱
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CL)
Uddipan Pal 🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)
Suppawit Polkong🇹ðŸ‡
(Naresuan University, CO)
Majdoul Mouhssine🇲🇦
(Mohammed V University, MA)
Diego MartÃnez  🇨🇴 Â
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CL)
Kelman MarÃn 🇵🇪
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PE)
Santiago Moreno 🇨🇴
(Universidad de Antioquia, CO)
Ivan Pérez Castro 🇲🇽
(Cinvestav-IPN, MX)
Cai Qianhang 🇨🇳
(The University of Tokyo, JP)
Pabitra Ray 🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)
Jheny Rodriguez 🇨🇴
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, CO)
Patricia Rosales 🇻🇪
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, VE)
Akashdeep Roy🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)
Josep Rubà Bort 🇪🇸
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SP)
Miquel Salicrú  🇪🇸(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SP)
Alexis Tremolada 🇵🇪
(University of Bologna, IT)
Cagdas Ulus Agca🇹🇷
(Middle East Technical University, TK)
Gustavo Valdivia 🇵🇪(University of Houston, USA)
introductory Master class
Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insights
Date: 04, 06, 11 November 2024
Time: 07-09 am GMT-4