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Week 1: Black Holes in General Relativity. 

Week 2: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime. 

Week 3: Hawking Radiation and Entropy Law.

Interlude: Holographic Entanglement and Emergence of gravitational spacetime, and black holes.  (Prof. Tadashi Takayanagi) 

Week 4: Black Holes in Quantum Gravity.

Week 5: Introduction to Swampland Program (Prof. Miguel Montero) 

Week 6: Swampland and Black Holes.  (Prof. Miguel Montero)

The mini course is evaluated with assignments.

Applications are now closed


successfully passed students

Youssef Ahmed 🇪🇬
(University of Science and Technology in Zewail City, EG)

Jorge Armoa 🇵🇪
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PE)

Bernardo Cabral 🇧🇷(Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)

Satyaki Chowdhury🇮🇳
(Jagiellonian University, PL)

Lincoln Da Silva 🇧🇷
(Universidade de São Paulo, BR)

Sonal Dhingra🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)

Sara del Pozo 🇪🇸
(University of Barcelona, SP)

Federica Guarducci 🇮🇹(University of Pisa, IT)

Rohina Hassan 🇮🇷
(Sharif University of Technology, IR)

Nicolás Hernández 🇨🇴
(Universidad Industrial de Santander, CO)

Allan Hurtado 🇬🇹
(University of San Carlos of Guatemala, GT)

Stefan Katić 🇷🇸
(University of Belgrade, SB)

Axel León Arteaga 🇵🇪
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PE)

Chengcheng Liu 🇬🇧
(Queen Mary University of London, UK)

Haoyuan Li 🇨🇳
(Chinese Academy of Science, CN)

Rohy Ny Aika 🇲🇬(University of Antananarivo, MG)

Camilo Núñez 🇨🇱
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CL)

Uddipan Pal 🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)

Suppawit Polkong🇹🇭
(Naresuan University, CO)

Majdoul Mouhssine🇲🇦
(Mohammed V University, MA)

Diego Martínez  🇨🇴  
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CL)

Kelman Marín 🇵🇪
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, PE)

Santiago Moreno 🇨🇴
(Universidad de Antioquia, CO)

Ivan Pérez Castro 🇲🇽
(Cinvestav-IPN, MX)

Cai Qianhang 🇨🇳
(The University of Tokyo, JP)

Pabitra Ray 🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)

Jheny Rodriguez 🇨🇴
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, CO)

Patricia Rosales 🇻🇪
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, VE)

Akashdeep Roy🇮🇳
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai, IN)

Josep Rubí Bort 🇪🇸
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SP)

Miquel Salicrú  🇪🇸(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SP)

Alexis Tremolada 🇵🇪
(University of Bologna, IT)

Cagdas Ulus Agca🇹🇷
(Middle East Technical University, TK)

Gustavo Valdivia 🇵🇪(University of Houston, USA)

introductory Master class

Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insights
Date: 04, 06, 11 November 2024
Time: 07-09 am GMT-4

Tadashi Takayanagi

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Kyoto University

Entanglement Entropy and Spacetime: New Insights
Mini course
Date: 04, 06, 11 November 2024
Time: 07-09 am GMT-4


Miguel Montero


Ruben Campos Delgado 

ITP-Leibniz Universität Hannover


Daniel Galviz
YMSC (Tsinghua University)Â