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   Content  Â
The course is evaluated with assignments (60%), and a final exam (40%).
Lecture Notes
Introduction to Differential Geometry
Special Relativity
Spacetime Curvature
The Einstein Equation
Black Holes
Gravitational Waves
Guest Talk
Exercise sheetsÂ
Exercise sheet 1
Differential Geometry
John Lee. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds.
Loring W. Tu. An Introduction to Manifolds.
Mikio Nakahara. Geometry, Topology and Physics.Riemannian Geometry
John Lee. Introduction to Riemannian Manifolds.General Relativity
Sean M. Carroll. Spacetime and Geometry.
David Tong. Lectures on General Relativity.
C.Misner, K. S. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler, D. Kaiser. Gravitation.
Robert M. Wald. General Relativity.Cosmology
Daniel Baumann. Cosmology
Steven Weinberg. Cosmology.
We will publish the list of students who have successfully approved the course.
Claudia de Rham
Imperial College London
José Edelstein
Santiago de Compostela U.
Monica Guica
IPhT, Saclay
Hong Liu
Pierre Vanhove
IPhT, Saclay
Anthony Zee
UC. Santa Barbara
Teaching assistanTS
TO be defined
TO be defined