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Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays 13-15 GMT-4 

The course is evaluated with assignments (60%), seminars (10%) and a final exam (30%).

Applications are now closed

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes
Week 1

Guest Talk

Exercise sheets 


60 Students were accepted
We will publish the list of students who have successfully approved the course.

Guest Speakers

Bianca Dittrich

Perimeter Institute

Zohar Komargodski 

SCGP & Stony Brook University

Enrico Pajer  
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

Matthew Reece

Harvard University

Kasia Rejzner

University of York 

David Wallace

University of Pittsburgh

introductory Master class

Ashoke Sen


Edward Witten

Institute of Advanced Study

Teaching assistanTS

Gonzalo Villa

(DAMTP, University of Cambridge)


Santiago Agüí Salcedo
(DAMTP, University of Cambridge)


Daniel Galviz
YMSC (Tsinghua University)